Saturday, May 8, 2010

Oh The Places You Will Go..

How many of you have a life to do list? Think about it for a minute....."I've always wanted to go....or "I'd like to go bungee jumping with friend x"......whether mental, written down, or spread to your family and friends, I think many of us have things we want to do before we die, considering we only have one life to live! Well, I've always started 'life to do lists' but never finished them as I have a tendency to get off track and forget about them-or accomplish things without congratulating myself ( celebrate celebrate celebrate!!!).....So, without further adue, here is a good start to my life to do list:

1. Go on an African Safari- DONE!!! Part of a trip that was an experience of a lifetime- ask me about it :)
2. Run a half marathon- plan to do it this fall!!! Minneapolis Twin Cities half!
3. Run a marathon
4. Visit several other places in Africa- Tanzania, Senegal, Kenya, Morrocco--and go back to South Africa...
5. Do a Europe Trip w/ girlfriends or my future husband--I think girlfriends would be more fun, don't you agree? I want to see Austria, France ( Bordeuax), Italy, Holland.....bring on all the tasty foods!!!
6. Do a 'semester at sea'--this is a study abroad program where you can go pretty much anywhere in the world for a semester at sea, literally. I wish I would have done a semester at sea in my undergraduate, but will now do it during my graduate studies OR as a crew member ( working as a traveling professor or in adminstration)....
7. study abroad--in the Virgin Islands and South Africa- DONE! Again, ask me about both :)
8. get a 4.0 at least one semester of my studies...I got a 4.0 during a summer term, but that doesn't quite count!
9. Scuba Dive in the great barrier reef in Australia
10. Purchase a vw jetta or passat or bug- I'm not looking for a brand new spanking car, but a cute used one :)
11. Get my PHD

okay.....I will continue this later because I'm off to dinner with my family- I think I'll have to get a margarita or two!

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